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Education / Training
Scott Neale

Scott Neale

English as a Foreign Language Teacher


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About Scott Neale:

I have been teaching EFL along with various exam prep courses such as IELTS, TOEFL, and Cambridge Exam Prep for over 17 years.  I have taught in China, Russia and Uzbekistan.  I'm a holder of CELTA.  I reach a rapport with students and colleagues very easily and have an upbeat attitude.  I am also a voracious reader and I never stop trying to learn new methods for teaching.  I continuously try to improve my ability and I believe that learning never stops.


I taught in China for almost 9 years, teaching IELTS and General English to primary and high school-aged students.  I conducted speaking clubs for intermediate level and higher.  I taught in Russia for almost 4 years.  There, I taught General English and Cambridge Exam prep.  I am currently in Uzbekistan where I teach TOEFL, IELTS, General English, SAT, and Michigan Exam prep.


I have a CELTA certificate from Cambridge.

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